Student Run Mental Health Workshops on Managing Stress in Grad School


Friday, November 9, 2018, 5:00pm to 7:00pm


Longwood Campus
Why participate?
Last year, many of you completed a detailed mental health survey. The message was clear: graduate students are experiencing a lot of stress and asking for new and personalized resources on campus. We developed this workshop in response to this survey and conversations with your colleagues.
Who’s eligible?
Any graduate student in one of the integrated life sciences programs.
What’s involved?
In a group format, we will discuss common emotional responses to stressful experiences encountered by graduate students and introduce specific, evidence-based ways to increase resilience. You’ll leave with new skills to try, a tip-sheet summarizing the skills, and information about other resources available to you.
Who are we?
Graduate student clinicians and researchers from the McNally Lab in the Department of Psychology at Harvard.
RSVP here
We are offering three sessions. When you sign up, you may rank your preferences.
Contact Emily (