Helping Those With Disabilities Navigate Job Transitions (Inside Higher Ed)

April 26, 2020

Early-career professionals with disabilities face distinct challenges in identifying positions, interviewing and networking, among many other things, write Brian J. Rybarczyk and Allison Gose.

For a graduate student, the job market is an intimidating space full of uncertainty. Add to that a disability, and the navigation of the professional world becomes even more daunting. From simple validation to the more complex navigation of identifying positions, interviewing and networking, individuals with disabilities face distinct challenges.

That’s why the two of us -- Allison, a doctoral student with a disability, and Brian, a dean of academic and professional development -- have teamed up to write this article. Our goal is to provide helpful advice -- first, to graduate students, from Allison’s point of view, and then to career and professional advisers, from Brian's.  Read more.